In [1]:
FN = 'predict'

if your GPU is busy you can use CPU for predictions

In [2]:
import os
os.environ['THEANO_FLAGS'] = 'device=cpu,floatX=float32'

In [3]:
import keras

Using Theano backend.
WARNING (theano.configdefaults): g++ not detected ! Theano will be unable to execute optimized C-implementations (for both CPU and GPU) and will default to Python implementations. Performance will be severely degraded. To remove this warning, set Theano flags cxx to an empty string.

Generate headlines using the "simple" model from

Use indexing of tokens from vocabulary-embedding this does not clip the indexes of the words to vocab_size.

Use the index of outside words to replace them with several oov words (oov , oov0, oov...) that appear in the same description and headline. This will allow headline generator to replace the oov with the same word in the description

In [4]:
FN0 = 'vocabulary-embedding'

we will generate predictions using the model generated in this notebook

In [5]:
FN1 = 'train'

input data (X) is made from maxlend description words followed by eos followed by headline words followed by eos if description is shorter than maxlend it will be left padded with empty if entire data is longer than maxlen it will be clipped and if it is shorter it will be padded.

labels (Y) are the headline words followed by eos and clipped or padded to maxlenh

In other words the input is made from a maxlend half in which the description is padded from the left and a maxlenh half in which eos is followed by a headline followed by another eos if there is enough space.

The labels match only the second half and the first label matches the eos at the start of the second half (following the description in the first half)

the model parameters should be identical with what used in training but notice that maxlend is flexible

In [6]:
maxlend=50 # 0 - if we dont want to use description at all
maxlen = maxlend + maxlenh
rnn_size = 512
rnn_layers = 3  # match FN1

the out of the first activation_rnn_size nodes from the top layer will be used for activation and the rest will be used to select predicted word

In [7]:
activation_rnn_size = 40 if maxlend else 0

In [8]:
# training parameters
p_W, p_U, p_dense, p_emb, weight_decay = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
optimizer = 'adam'

In [9]:
nb_train_samples = 30000
nb_val_samples = 3000

read word embedding

In [10]:
import cPickle as pickle

with open('data/%s.pkl'%FN0, 'rb') as fp:
    embedding, idx2word, word2idx, glove_idx2idx = pickle.load(fp)
vocab_size, embedding_size = embedding.shape

In [11]:
nb_unknown_words = 10

In [12]:
print 'dimension of embedding space for words',embedding_size
print 'vocabulary size', vocab_size, 'the last %d words can be used as place holders for unknown/oov words'%nb_unknown_words
print 'total number of different words',len(idx2word), len(word2idx)
print 'number of words outside vocabulary which we can substitue using glove similarity', len(glove_idx2idx)
print 'number of words that will be regarded as unknonw(unk)/out-of-vocabulary(oov)',len(idx2word)-vocab_size-len(glove_idx2idx)

dimension of embedding space for words 100
vocabulary size 40000 the last 10 words can be used as place holders for unknown/oov words
total number of different words 523734 523734
number of words outside vocabulary which we can substitue using glove similarity 122377
number of words that will be regarded as unknonw(unk)/out-of-vocabulary(oov) 361357

In [13]:
for i in range(nb_unknown_words):
    idx2word[vocab_size-1-i] = '<%d>'%i

In [14]:
for i in range(vocab_size-nb_unknown_words, len(idx2word)):
    idx2word[i] = idx2word[i]+'^'

In [15]:
empty = 0
eos = 1
idx2word[empty] = '_'
idx2word[eos] = '~'

In [16]:
import numpy as np
from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from keras.utils import np_utils
import random, sys

In [17]:
def prt(label, x):
    print label+':',
    for w in x:
        print idx2word[w],


In [18]:
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout, RepeatVector, Merge, TimeDistributedDense
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.layers.embeddings import Embedding
from keras.regularizers import l2
from keras.layers.core import Lambda
import keras.backend as K

In [19]:
# seed weight initialization

In [20]:
regularizer = l2(weight_decay) if weight_decay else None

rnn model

start with a stacked LSTM, which is identical to the bottom of the model used in training

In [21]:
rnn_model = Sequential()
rnn_model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size,
                        W_regularizer=regularizer, dropout=p_emb, weights=[embedding], mask_zero=True,
for i in range(rnn_layers):
    lstm = LSTM(rnn_size, return_sequences=True, # batch_norm=batch_norm,
                W_regularizer=regularizer, U_regularizer=regularizer,
                b_regularizer=regularizer, dropout_W=p_W, dropout_U=p_U,
    rnn_model.add(Dropout(p_dense, name='dropout_%d'%(i+1)))


use the bottom weights from the trained model, and save the top weights for later

In [22]:
import h5py
def str_shape(x):
    return 'x'.join(map(str,x.shape))

def inspect_model(model):
    for i,l in enumerate(model.layers):
        print i, 'cls=%s name=%s'%(type(l).__name__,
        weights = l.get_weights()
        for weight in weights:
            print str_shape(weight),

def load_weights(model, filepath):
    """Modified version of keras load_weights that loads as much as it can
    if there is a mismatch between file and model. It returns the weights
    of the first layer in which the mismatch has happened
    print 'Loading', filepath, 'to',
    flattened_layers = model.layers
    with h5py.File(filepath, mode='r') as f:
        # new file format
        layer_names = [n.decode('utf8') for n in f.attrs['layer_names']]

        # we batch weight value assignments in a single backend call
        # which provides a speedup in TensorFlow.
        weight_value_tuples = []
        for name in layer_names:
            print name
            g = f[name]
            weight_names = [n.decode('utf8') for n in g.attrs['weight_names']]
            if len(weight_names):
                weight_values = [g[weight_name] for weight_name in weight_names]
                    layer = model.get_layer(name=name)
                    layer = None
                if not layer:
                    print 'failed to find layer', name, 'in model'
                    print 'weights', ' '.join(str_shape(w) for w in weight_values)
                    print 'stopping to load all other layers'
                    weight_values = [np.array(w) for w in weight_values]
                symbolic_weights = layer.trainable_weights + layer.non_trainable_weights
                weight_value_tuples += zip(symbolic_weights, weight_values)
                weight_values = None
    return weight_values

In [23]:
weights = load_weights(rnn_model, 'data/%s.hdf5'%FN1)

Loading data/train.hdf5 to sequential_1
failed to find layer timedistributed_1 in model
weights 944x40000 40000
stopping to load all other layers

In [24]:
[w.shape for w in weights]

[(944, 40000), (40000,)]

headline model

A special layer that reduces the input just to its headline part (second half). For each word in this part it concatenate the output of the previous layer (RNN) with a weighted average of the outputs of the description part. In this only the last rnn_size - activation_rnn_size are used from each output. The first activation_rnn_size output is used to computer the weights for the averaging.

In [36]:
context_weight = K.variable(1.)
head_weight = K.variable(1.)
cross_weight = K.variable(0.)

def simple_context(X, mask, n=activation_rnn_size, maxlend=maxlend, maxlenh=maxlenh):
    desc, head = X[:,:maxlend], X[:,maxlend:]
    head_activations, head_words = head[:,:,:n], head[:,:,n:]
    desc_activations, desc_words = desc[:,:,:n], desc[:,:,n:]
    # RTFM
    # activation for every head word and every desc word
    activation_energies = K.batch_dot(head_activations, desc_activations, axes=([2],[2]))
    # make sure we dont use description words that are masked out
    assert mask.ndim == 2
    activation_energies = K.switch(mask[:, None, :maxlend], activation_energies, -1e20)
    # for every head word compute weights for every desc word
    activation_energies = K.reshape(activation_energies,(-1,maxlend))
    activation_weights = K.softmax(activation_energies)
    activation_weights = K.reshape(activation_weights,(-1,maxlenh,maxlend))

    # for every head word compute weighted average of desc words
    desc_avg_word = K.batch_dot(activation_weights, desc_words, axes=([2],[1]))
    return K.concatenate((context_weight*desc_avg_word, head_weight*head_words))

class SimpleContext(Lambda):
    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
        super(SimpleContext, self).__init__(simple_context,**kwargs)
        self.supports_masking = True

    def compute_mask(self, input, input_mask=None):
        return input_mask[:, maxlend:]
    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
        nb_samples = input_shape[0]
        n = 2*(rnn_size - activation_rnn_size)
        return (nb_samples, maxlenh, n)

In [37]:
model = Sequential()

if activation_rnn_size:

In [38]:
# we are not going to fit so we dont care about loss and optimizer
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')

In [39]:
n = 2*(rnn_size - activation_rnn_size)


perform the top dense of the trained model in numpy so we can play around with exactly how it works

In [40]:
# out very own softmax
def output2probs(output):
    output =, weights[0]) + weights[1]
    output -= output.max()
    output = np.exp(output)
    output /= output.sum()
    return output

In [41]:
def output2probs1(output):
    output0 =[:n//2], weights[0][:n//2,:])
    output1 =[n//2:], weights[0][n//2:,:])
    output = output0 + output1 # + output0 * output1
    output += weights[1]
    output -= output.max()
    output = np.exp(output)
    output /= output.sum()
    return output


In [42]:
def lpadd(x, maxlend=maxlend, eos=eos):
    """left (pre) pad a description to maxlend and then add eos.
    The eos is the input to predicting the first word in the headline
    assert maxlend >= 0
    if maxlend == 0:
        return [eos]
    n = len(x)
    if n > maxlend:
        x = x[-maxlend:]
        n = maxlend
    return [empty]*(maxlend-n) + x + [eos]

In [43]:
samples = [lpadd([3]*26)]
# pad from right (post) so the first maxlend will be description followed by headline
data = sequence.pad_sequences(samples, maxlen=maxlen, value=empty, padding='post', truncating='post')

In [44]:
np.all(data[:,maxlend] == eos)


In [45]:
data.shape,map(len, samples)

((1, 75), [51])

In [46]:
probs = model.predict(data, verbose=0, batch_size=1)

(1, 25, 944)

Sample generation

In [47]:
# variation to
def beamsearch(predict, start=[empty]*maxlend + [eos], avoid=None, avoid_score=1,
               k=1, maxsample=maxlen, use_unk=True, oov=vocab_size-1, empty=empty, eos=eos, temperature=1.0):
    """return k samples (beams) and their NLL scores, each sample is a sequence of labels,
    all samples starts with an `empty` label and end with `eos` or truncated to length of `maxsample`.
    You need to supply `predict` which returns the label probability of each sample.
    `use_unk` allow usage of `oov` (out-of-vocabulary) label in samples
    def sample(energy, n, temperature=temperature):
        """sample at most n different elements according to their energy"""
        n = min(n,len(energy))
        prb = np.exp(-np.array(energy) / temperature )
        res = []
        for i in xrange(n):
            z = np.sum(prb)
            r = np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, prb/z, 1))
            prb[r] = 0. # make sure we select each element only once
        return res

    dead_samples = []
    dead_scores = []
    live_samples = [list(start)]
    live_scores = [0]

    while live_samples:
        # for every possible live sample calc prob for every possible label 
        probs = predict(live_samples, empty=empty)
        assert vocab_size == probs.shape[1]

        # total score for every sample is sum of -log of word prb
        cand_scores = np.array(live_scores)[:,None] - np.log(probs)
        cand_scores[:,empty] = 1e20
        if not use_unk and oov is not None:
            cand_scores[:,oov] = 1e20
        if avoid:
            for a in avoid:
                for i, s in enumerate(live_samples):
                    n = len(s) - len(start)
                    if n < len(a):
                        # at this point live_sample is before the new word,
                        # which should be avoided, is added
                        cand_scores[i,a[n]] += avoid_score
        live_scores = list(cand_scores.flatten())

        # find the best (lowest) scores we have from all possible dead samples and
        # all live samples and all possible new words added
        scores = dead_scores + live_scores
        ranks = sample(scores, k)
        n = len(dead_scores)
        dead_scores = [dead_scores[r] for r in ranks if r < n]
        dead_samples = [dead_samples[r] for r in ranks if r < n]
        live_scores = [live_scores[r-n] for r in ranks if r >= n]
        live_samples = [live_samples[(r-n)//vocab_size]+[(r-n)%vocab_size] for r in ranks if r >= n]

        # live samples that should be dead are...
        # even if len(live_samples) == maxsample we dont want it dead because we want one
        # last prediction out of it to reach a headline of maxlenh
        def is_zombie(s):
            return s[-1] == eos or len(s) > maxsample
        # add zombies to the dead
        dead_scores += [c for s, c in zip(live_samples, live_scores) if is_zombie(s)]
        dead_samples += [s for s in live_samples if is_zombie(s)]
        # remove zombies from the living 
        live_scores = [c for s, c in zip(live_samples, live_scores) if not is_zombie(s)]
        live_samples = [s for s in live_samples if not is_zombie(s)]

    return dead_samples, dead_scores

In [48]:
# !pip install python-Levenshtein

In [49]:
def keras_rnn_predict(samples, empty=empty, model=model, maxlen=maxlen):
    """for every sample, calculate probability for every possible label
    you need to supply your RNN model and maxlen - the length of sequences it can handle
    sample_lengths = map(len, samples)
    assert all(l > maxlend for l in sample_lengths)
    assert all(l[maxlend] == eos for l in samples)
    # pad from right (post) so the first maxlend will be description followed by headline
    data = sequence.pad_sequences(samples, maxlen=maxlen, value=empty, padding='post', truncating='post')
    probs = model.predict(data, verbose=0, batch_size=batch_size)
    return np.array([output2probs(prob[sample_length-maxlend-1]) for prob, sample_length in zip(probs, sample_lengths)])

In [50]:
def vocab_fold(xs):
    """convert list of word indexes that may contain words outside vocab_size to words inside.
    If a word is outside, try first to use glove_idx2idx to find a similar word inside.
    If none exist then replace all accurancies of the same unknown word with <0>, <1>, ...
    xs = [x if x < vocab_size-nb_unknown_words else glove_idx2idx.get(x,x) for x in xs]
    # the more popular word is <0> and so on
    outside = sorted([x for x in xs if x >= vocab_size-nb_unknown_words])
    # if there are more than nb_unknown_words oov words then put them all in nb_unknown_words-1
    outside = dict((x,vocab_size-1-min(i, nb_unknown_words-1)) for i, x in enumerate(outside))
    xs = [outside.get(x,x) for x in xs]
    return xs

In [51]:
def vocab_unfold(desc,xs):
    # assume desc is the unfolded version of the start of xs
    unfold = {}
    for i, unfold_idx in enumerate(desc):
        fold_idx = xs[i]
        if fold_idx >= vocab_size-nb_unknown_words:
            unfold[fold_idx] = unfold_idx
    return [unfold.get(x,x) for x in xs]

In [57]:
import sys
import Levenshtein

def gensamples(X=None, X_test=None, Y_test=None, avoid=None, avoid_score=1, skips=2, k=10, batch_size=batch_size, short=True, temperature=1., use_unk=True):
    if X is None or isinstance(X,int):
        if X is None:
            i = random.randint(0,len(X_test)-1)
            i = X
        print 'HEAD %d:'%i,' '.join(idx2word[w] for w in Y_test[i])
        print 'DESC:',' '.join(idx2word[w] for w in X_test[i])
        x = X_test[i]
        x = [word2idx[w.rstrip('^')] for w in X.split()]
    if avoid:
        # avoid is a list of avoids. Each avoid is a string or list of word indeicies
        if isinstance(avoid,str) or isinstance(avoid[0], int):
            avoid = [avoid]
        avoid = [a.split() if isinstance(a,str) else a for a in avoid]
        avoid = [vocab_fold([w if isinstance(w,int) else word2idx[w] for w in a])
                 for a in avoid]

    print 'HEADS:'
    samples = []
    if maxlend == 0:
        skips = [0]
        skips = range(min(maxlend,len(x)), max(maxlend,len(x)), abs(maxlend - len(x)) // skips + 1)
    for s in skips:
        start = lpadd(x[:s])
        fold_start = vocab_fold(start)
        sample, score = beamsearch(predict=keras_rnn_predict, start=fold_start, avoid=avoid, avoid_score=avoid_score,
                                   k=k, temperature=temperature, use_unk=use_unk)
        assert all(s[maxlend] == eos for s in sample)
        samples += [(s,start,scr) for s,scr in zip(sample,score)]

    samples.sort(key=lambda x: x[-1])
    codes = []
    for sample, start, score in samples:
        code = ''
        words = []
        sample = vocab_unfold(start, sample)[len(start):]
        for w in sample:
            if w == eos:
            code += chr(w//(256*256)) + chr((w//256)%256) + chr(w%256)
        if short:
            distance = min([100] + [-Levenshtein.jaro(code,c) for c in codes])
            if distance > -0.6:
                print score, ' '.join(words)
        #         print '%s (%.2f) %f'%(' '.join(words), score, distance)
                print score, ' '.join(words)
    return samples

In [58]:
seed = 8

In [59]:
X = "* Billy Joel is looking for a buyer in Sagaponack^ . Now that he and wife Katie Lee Joel are splitting up , the singer is planning to sell the two oceanfront^ properties he bought for her in 2007 . The four-bedroom mansion ( No . 1 ) and smaller beach bungalow^ ( No . 2 ) will be listed with Corcoran 's Biana^ Stepanian^ for a combined $ 35 million . * Richard Bressler^ , the former CFO of Viacom and now a managing"
Y = "Billy Joel Lists in Sagaponack^"

In [60]:
samples = gensamples(X=X, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1.)

18.3972350549 Gossip Roundup : It 's Not a Enough

In [61]:
X = "18 Cake GIFs That 'll Make You Moist"
Y = "Is it 350degF^ in here or is it just me ?"

In [62]:
samples = gensamples(X, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1.)

8.39775133658 The Cake

In [50]:
X = "President Barack Obama 's re-election campaign is fundraising off of comments on Obama 's birth certificate by Mitt Romney 's son Matt ."

In [63]:
gensamples(X, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1, use_unk=True, short=False);

6.44595342034 <0>^
7.14836262441 Bacon Cake
7.15618682446 Cake Cake
10.4518038648 Bacon Cake !
12.3920855886 <0>^ , Bacon
15.6066176586 Cake Cake , <0>^
16.6810159629 Cake Cake , Cake !
20.0855381511 <0>^ , Bacon and Cake
21.7307348662 Cake Cake , Cake , and <0>^
24.5682745072 <0>^ , Bacon and Cake .
27.2642401814 Cake Cake , Cake , and <0>^ Puppies
28.0683858812 <0>^ , Bacon Is Not , Too !
28.1353368097 <0>^ , Bacon Is Not Super Bowl
30.0097000925 <0>^ , Bacon Is Not , And !
33.728532485 <0>^ , Bacon Is Not , Here 's What Cake
36.8273877234 Cake Cake , Cake , and <0>^ Best Wedding
37.9201195189 Cake Cake , Cake , and <0>^ Best Wedding Moments
38.8532513543 <0>^ , Bacon Is Not , Here 's What Cake Is Like
44.855803035 Cake Cake , Cake , and <0>^ Best Wedding Moments EVER .
58.2777635869 <0>^ , Bacon Is Not , Here 's What Cake Cake Can Internet ( NSFW )

In [64]:
X = "What have you been listening to this year ? If you want to find out using cold , hard evidence , then Spotify 's new Year in Music tool will tell you ."
Y = "Spotify Will Make You Smarter for Your App"

In [65]:
samples = gensamples(X, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1)

12.9753409925 How To Make A <0>^

In [66]:
headline = samples[0][0][len(samples[0][1]):]

In [67]:
' '.join(idx2word[w] for w in headline)

'How To Make A <0>^ ~'

In [68]:
avoid = headline

In [69]:
samples = gensamples(X, avoid=avoid, avoid_score=.1, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1.)

15.1214181555 Spotify Is the <0>^ Deal of the Day

In [70]:
avoid = samples[0][0][len(samples[0][1]):]

In [71]:
samples = gensamples(X, avoid=avoid, avoid_score=.1, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1.)

15.8060034323 The 10 Most Popular Songs Of All Time

In [72]:



In [73]:
def wsimple_context(X, mask, n=activation_rnn_size, maxlend=maxlend, maxlenh=maxlenh):
    desc, head = X[:,:maxlend], X[:,maxlend:]
    head_activations, head_words = head[:,:,:n], head[:,:,n:]
    desc_activations, desc_words = desc[:,:,:n], desc[:,:,n:]
    # RTFM
    # activation for every head word and every desc word
    activation_energies = K.batch_dot(head_activations, desc_activations, axes=([2],[2]))
    # make sure we dont use description words that are masked out
    assert mask.ndim == 2
    activation_energies = K.switch(mask[:, None, :maxlend], activation_energies, -1e20)
    # for every head word compute weights for every desc word
    activation_energies = K.reshape(activation_energies,(-1,maxlend))
    activation_weights = K.softmax(activation_energies)
    activation_weights = K.reshape(activation_weights,(-1,maxlenh,maxlend))

    return activation_weights

class WSimpleContext(Lambda):
    def __init__(self):
        super(WSimpleContext, self).__init__(wsimple_context)
        self.supports_masking = True

    def compute_mask(self, input, input_mask=None):
        return input_mask[:, maxlend:]
    def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shape):
        nb_samples = input_shape[0]
        n = 2*(rnn_size - activation_rnn_size)
        return (nb_samples, maxlenh, n)

In [74]:
wmodel = Sequential()

In [75]:

In [76]:
wmodel.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer)


In [77]:
seed = 8

In [78]:

In [79]:
X = "Representatives of the groups depicted in The Revenant^ spoke with BuzzFeed News about the actor 's Golden Globes speech calling on listeners to `` protect ... indigenous lands . ''"
Y = "Native American Groups Officially Respond To Leonardo DiCaprio 's Call To Action"

In [80]:
samples = gensamples(X, skips=2, batch_size=batch_size, k=10, temperature=1.)

20.5102220631 How The Golden Globes Will Make You Cry

In [81]:
sample = samples[0][0]

In [82]:
' '.join([idx2word[w] for w in sample])

"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Representatives of the groups depicted in The trainwreck spoke with BuzzFeed News about the actor 's Golden Globes speech calling on listeners to `` protect ... indigenous lands . '' ~ How The Golden Globes Will Make You Cry ~"

In [83]:
data = sequence.pad_sequences([sample], maxlen=maxlen, value=empty, padding='post', truncating='post')

(1, 75)

In [84]:
weights = wmodel.predict(data, verbose=0, batch_size=1)

(1, 25, 50)

In [85]:
startd = np.where(data[0,:] != empty)[0][0]
lenh = np.where(data[0,maxlend+1:] == eos)[0][0]
startd, lenh

(20, 8)

In [86]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.hist(np.array(weights[0,:lenh,startd:].flatten()+1), bins=100);

/Users/udi/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

In [87]:
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML

def heat(sample,weights,dark=0.3):
    weights = (weights - weights.min())/(weights.max() - weights.min() + 1e-4)
    html = ''
    fmt = ' <span style="background-color: #{0:x}{0:x}ff">{1}</span>'
    for t,w in zip(sample,weights):
        c = int(256*((1.-dark)*(1.-w)+dark))
        html += fmt.format(c,idx2word[t])

In [88]:
heat(sample, weights[0,-1])

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Representatives of the groups depicted in The trainwreck spoke with BuzzFeed News about the actor 's Golden Globes speech calling on listeners to `` protect ... indigenous lands . ''

In [89]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

In [90]:
columns = [idx2word[data[0,i]] for i in range(startd,maxlend)]
rows = [idx2word[data[0,i]] for i in range(maxlend+1,maxlend+lenh+1)]

In [91]:
df = pd.DataFrame(weights[0,:lenh,startd:],columns=columns,index=rows)

In [92]: